



G O Kとはいったい・・・何の略?




AB = Antibiotic
A&E = accident and emergency
AF = atrial fibrillation
ASAP = as soon as possible

BD = 2 / day
BE = barium enema
BM = bowel movement
(N)BO = (Not) bowels open
BP = blood pressure
BS = blood sugar
BSO = bilateral salpingooophorectomy

Ca = Cancer
CAT = Cataract
C/E = Church of England
CHOLE = Cholelithotomy
CM = care manager
CO, C/O = Complain of, Care of
COPD = Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
CPM = continuous Passive motility
CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CSM = colour sensation movement
CVA = Cerebrovascular accident
CXR = Chest X-ray

DC = day case
D/C = discharge
D&C, D+C = dilation and curettage
D&E = dilation and evacuation
D/N = district nurse
DND = do not disturb
DOB = date of birth
D/S = dextrose saline
DVT = deep vein thrombosis
DW = Discuss with

ENT = ear, nose and throat
ERCP = endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Exc = Excision

FBC = full blood count

GA = general anaesthetic
GEN = generation
GP = general practitioner

Hb = Haemoglobin
HRT = Hormone Replacement Therapy

IDDM = insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IM = intramuscular
IV = intravenous

KUB = Kidneys Ureters Bladder

LA = local anaesthetic
Lab = laboratory
LAP = Laparoscopy
L(R)IH = left(right) inguinal hernia
L(U)RTI = Lower(Upper) respiratory tract infection

MS = multiple sclerosis
MTPJ = metatarphalangeal joint

N/A = not applicable
NAD = no acute distress
NBM = nil by mouth
NG = nasogastric
NIDDM = non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
NOF = neck of femur
N/S = nomal saline
NWB = non-weight bearing
N&V = nausea and vomiting

O = oral, by mouth
O/A = on Admission
Obs = observation
OD = 1 / day, daily
OPA = out patient appointment
OPD = out patient department
OT = occupational therapy, Occupational therapist

PCA = patient control analgesia
PE = Pulmonary Embolism

PO = oral, by mouth
POP = Plaster of Paris
PRN = (pro re nata) as needed, as required
PT = Physiotherapy, Physiotherapist
PTO = please turn over
(N)PU = (Not) pass urine

QDS = 4 / day

R/A = routine admission
Rev = review
RMO = resident medical officer
ROC = remove of clips
ROS = remove of sutures
RTW = return to ward

SC = subcutaneous
SB, S/B = Seen by
SOB = Short of breath

TAH = total abdminal hysterectomy
TC = Telephone call
TCI = today come in
TDS = 3 / day
TEDS = anti embolism socks / stockings
THR = total hip replacement
TKR = total knee replacement
TOP = termination of pregnancy
TPR = temperature, pulse and respirations
TTO = Tablet take out (home)
TUR-BT = trans urethral resection of bladder tumour
TURP = transurethral resection of prostate
TWB = touch weight bearing

UTI = urinary tract infection
U+E = urea electrolytes

VF = ventricular fibrillation
VV = Varicose Veins

# = Fracture